Technical Article About Water Feature Fountains

19 Apr 2019

For over 35 years we have been specialists in manufacturing materials and accessories for water feature fountains. From the very beginning of the company's history, we have placed special attention on meeting our customers' requirements and now, in the era of the Internet, we are keen to use this global media to come one step closer and provide you with technical tips and advice concerning the world of architectural musical fountain.

Technical Article About Water Feature Fountains

To this end, under the supervision of the experts, Carlos Velasco and Juan Eusebio Gonzalez, we plan to publish a series of installments that, on the one hand, will deal with the Origin and Functional Classification of fountain nozzles and on the other, will discuss the Design and Hydraulics involved in water feature fountains.

Carlos Velasco's contribution is based on his many years' experience as Director of the Safe-Rain Technical Department. He will be responsible for outlining the origin of fountain nozzles and explaining how they are classified according to their functional performance. Undoubtedly, we will, therefore, find out more about how these products are designed and how they influence the different effects produced in the water jets. Apart from this, he will also provide practical tips on installing architectural musical fountain.

Technical Article About Water Feature Fountains

Juan Eusebio González Fariñas is Professor at La Laguna University in the Canary Islands and author, among other works, of the books entitled “The Hydraulics of Architectural Fountains and Aquatic Installations" and “A Selection of Topics about Hydraulics”. He will provide in-depth knowledge about the following matters.

Components of Architectural Fountains.

Recommendations for the design and installation of water feature fountains.

Calculating the hydraulics of an architectural fountain.

Automating calculations of the hydraulics of a water feature fountain.

Keywords: musical fountain

Originally published 19 Apr 2019, updated 19 Apr 2019.

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